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US Team members all won medals at 2011 CGMO competition

  1. August 05, 2011
  2. Larry Riddle, Agnes Scott College
  4. http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.htm

Rebecca Burks, Christina Chen, Sarah Herrmann, Elaine Hou, Julia Huang, Danielle Wang, Tiffany Wu and Victoria Xia, members of the United States team at the 2011 China Girls Math Olympiad, all won medals at the competition held July 28 - August 3 in Shenzhen, China. Wang and Xia each won gold medals, while a silver medal was awarded to Huang. The remaining team members each won bronze medals. The tenth annual Olympiad drew 190 girls from countries such as Japan, Russia, the United States, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and China. For more information and an online travelogue from the team members, visit the website of one of the team's sponsors, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), or read the MSRI press release.