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Member Checkout

Five days before your estimated departure date, we will send an email to your msri.org address as well as your external email address in our database.

There are two steps to checking out:


Please complete and submit a web check-out form before leaving the Institute.
It is VERY important that you complete this form; we need your responses for our reports to the NSF, and knowing about your stay helps us make the most of MSRI's possibilities.
Please allow 30-45 minutes to complete the check-out form. You do not need to check-out the same day as you complete the form!

You will be required to log in to MSRI's web portal in order to fill out the form. There will be a link in the email that takes you to the checkout form. If this page reports a problem to you, please let us know what e-mail you use to log in to the website so we can make sure it is properly linked to our membership information for you.


On the day you are leaving, please return your office key, building access card and bus pass to Marsha Borg in the Administrative Office on the ground floor.  She will return your deposit and give you your check (if applicable).
Thanks for your help!