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Dynamical Systems January 08, 2007 to May 25, 2007
Organizers Christopher Jones, Jonathan Mattingly, Igor Mezic, Andrew Stuart, Lai-Sang Young
There will be two main parts of the program. Each will carry its own overarching emphasis. The first will be on extended dynamical systems and the second on random systems. While many different threads will be carried through the whole program and connections will certainly be made between these two parts, we will collect together individuals during these emphasis periods who will help us to formulate and address the key fundamental questions. This will be achieved, in part, by holding theme weeks on specific focused topics within each area. Emphasis 1: Extended Dynamical Systems (mid-January until mid-March) We will focus during this period on problems coming from large dimensional systems that originate in lattice models, spatially extended systems (PDEs) and complex networks. This part of the program will be initiated during the opening workshop, which will be designed with this emphasis in mind. There will be two theme weeks during this part: -Lattice and spatially extended systems (early February) -Biochemical networks and other complex biological systems (late February/early March) Emphasis 2: Stochastic Dynamical Systems (mid-March until mid-May) Most models now include a random term to reflect unresolved processes or ill-understood aspects of the problem. We will focus on fundamental issues in these complex systems and consider how dynamical systems theory can contribute, and needs to adapt, to this new landscape. This will begin with the workshop in mid-March entitled Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Control. There will be two theme weeks in this part of the program: -Data assimilation (early April) -Ergodicity and Randomness (late April/early May) Invariant manifolds orchestrate fluid exchange between coherent features and the ambient waters of the Gulf of Mexico (June 1998).
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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Programmatic Workshops
January 18, 2007 - January 19, 2007 Connections for Women: Dynamical Systems
January 22, 2007 - January 26, 2007 Introductory Workshop on Dynamical Systems with Emphasis on Extended Systems
March 26, 2007 - March 30, 2007 Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Control
April 02, 2007 - April 05, 2007 An Introduction to Multiscale Methods
May 21, 2007 - May 25, 2007 Mathematical Issues in Stochastic Approaches for Multiscale Modeling