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Summer Graduate School

Toric Varieties in Cortona, Italy July 18, 2011 - July 29, 2011
Parent Program: --
Location: Cortona, Italy
Organizers Scientific Committee: David Cox* (Amherst College) and Hal Schenck (University of Illinois)
Organizing Committee: Giorgio Patrizio (Università di Firenze, Italy) and Sandro Verra (Università di Roma Tre, Italy)

In cooperation with INdAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica) and the SMI (Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria), MSRI will sponsor a summer graduate workshop (SGW) on toric varieties in Cortona during summer of 2011; the workshop will reprise the very successful SGW on toric varieties held at MSRI in 2009.

Toric varieties are algebraic varieties defined by combinatorial data, and there is a wonderful interplay between algebra, combinatorics and geometry involved in their study. Many of the key concepts of abstract algebraic geometry (for example, constructing a variety by glueing affine pieces) have very concrete interpretations in the toric case, making toric varieties an ideal tool for introducing students to abstruse concepts.

Please visit the INdAM workshop home page for details on the organization of the summer school.

Special restrictions:

  1. Participating students are expected to have a knowledge of algebraic geometry equivalent to the first two chapters of Hartshorne's "Algebraic Geometry". 
  2. MSRI can only support students from US institutions.
  3. Due to the small number of students supported by MSRI, only one student per institution will be accepted.
For eligibility and how to apply, see the Summer Graduate Workshop homepage

All of MSRI's openings for this workshop have been filled. New nominations cannot be accepted.

An alternative application process is now available through INdAM (INdAM workshop home page). To apply for admission and funding through INdAM, please fill out the application form (Application deadline: April 30, 2011)
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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