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Viewing VMath Videos on Linux

Linux Help for Watching VMath Videos

Disclaimer: MSRI does not endorse or recommend software. The software mentioned on this page are products that we have used in testing and provides only an example.

To play our videos on Linux, you will need an up-to-date video player that supports RTSP/RTP streams over TCP.

We have successfully tested MPlayer [http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/] compiled with RTSP/RTP streaming support with the live555 [http://www.live555.com] libraries, paired with the mozilla-mplayer plugin [http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/].

There is a tutorial for building MPlayer with live support on the live555 website: http://www.live555.com/mplayer

In order to stream our videos, you must specify the rtsp-stream-over-tcp option in your MPlayer configuration file or in your MPlayer-plugin options.

Some viewers have reported success by also changing their settings to NOT "use HTTP instead of RTSP".

The Live555 developers mention the use of VLC media player in lieu of MPlayer, yet we have had problems with our videos and VLC. At this time, MPlayer is the preferred player for MSRI streaming videos.