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Next MSRI Director

  1. July 01, 2012
  2. Newsletter, July 2012 issue
  4. http://old.lms.ac.uk/newsletter//current_issue.pdf?q=newsletter/current_issue.pdf

Dr David Eisenbud will be the next director of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at Berkeley. David Eisenbud’s four-year term at MSRI is effective 1 August 2013. Currently, Dr Eisenbud is a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley, and the director for Mathematics and the Physical Sciences at the Simons Foundation in New York. He is returning to helm MSRI, where he previously served as director for a 10-year tenure from 1997 to 2007.

Dr Eisenbud is the fifth director in the Institute’s 30-year history. He succeeds Robert Bryant, who has served as MSRI director since
2007 and is also a full professor at UC Berkeley. For further information about the MSRI visit the website at www.msri.org.